The Mass schedule for the Rathmines and Rathgar Partnership remains under constant review in the current circumstances The Challenges of shortage of Priests as well as declining Congregations numbers and shortage of Volunteers demand that changes are always necessary. Perhaps the greatest wake up call of recent months was when the Diocese informed us that by 2030 there would be fewer than 50 priests under the age of 75 serving in our Archdiocese that has currently 197 parishes. These are challenging times for sure.
- The Sunday 6pm evening Mass in Rathmines will resume on Sunday 1st September (with the folk group retuning on the 15th.)
- The Holy Hour on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm will also resume on the 3rd of September.
- The Monday 6pm evening Mass in Rathmines has been discontinued on the new schedule.
- The Tuesday and Thursday 6pm Masses in Rathgar will resume at the beginning of September.
The Mass schedule remains under constant review on how best to serve the partnership. It is hugely important that parishioners support the partnership as best they can, and the Mass schedule below demonstrates the high level of service provided.
Sunday Mass Times:
Sat (Vigil): 6pm Rathmines
9am: Rathmines
10am: Rathgar
11am: Rathmines
12.15pm: Rathgar
6pm: Rathmines
Weekday Mass Times
Mon: 10am Rathgar
Tues: 10am Rathmines
Tues: 6pm Rathgar
Wed: 10am Rathgar
Thurs: 10am Rathmines
Thurs: 6pm Rathgar
Fri: 10am Rathmines
Sat: 10am Rathgar