Parish Updates & Lay Community House

Published on January 16, 2025

Dear Parishioners,


I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who supported the parishes in the celebration of Christmas. We had wonderful liturgies and it was a joy to see so many people attending Church over the Christmas season. There was a brilliant atmosphere. Thank you all for your ongoing support which is greatly appreciated.


Secondly, I’m delighted to let you know that I have enacted a plan of action that has been on my mind for some time in terms of optimum use of our parish residences. The Parish House in Rathmines, No. 52, is now a residence for Young Lay Catholics who will live in a Catholic Community and will contribute to the parish financially but more importantly will also give their time and talent on a weekly basis.


We have 6 young professional adults now living in the house since the beginning of the year and I think it is wonderful that we are able to support them in this way.


I myself, have moved to the Presbytery in Rathgar which is a more appropriately sized house for one priest.


In terms of Parishes, things are going very well, however, the financial situation remains severely challenging in spite of our best efforts to encourage more people to take out standing orders in favour of the Parishes.  I would greatly appreciate if you haven’t done so already, to consider a standing order in favour of the Parish..


Kind regards,


Fr Andrew O’Sullivan PP