
Rathmines & Rathgar Parishes are delighted to host Dominican Fr. Vivian Boland OP to present a talk on the occasion of the Jubilee year. The talk titled “Hope Makes Faith Joyful; The Promise of the Jubilee Year”…

Taize Night with Confessions for Lent

An evening of Taize prayer and music will take place in the Church of Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners, Rathmines, on Thursday 3rd April at 7pm.

Confessions will be available & all are most welcome to attend.

New Mass Schedule from Sunday 9th March

Dear Parishioner,

Over the last two years we have monitored closely the numbers attending Church and thankfully numbers have improved.  However, the current schedule is simply too much for one priest to sustain.  Canon law permits a priest to celebrate up to two masses a day and in pastoral circumstances more, but only for good…

Exposition for Lent

LENT 2025

HOLY HOUR Tuesdays 7.30pm Rathmines Church

ADORATION Mon/Weds/Sat 10.30am – 11.30am and Sat 6pm – 7pm

Rathgar Church

Mass Times for Ash Wednesday

Mass Times for Ash Wednesday:

10am Rathgar Church

6pm Rathmines Church

Next Wednesday 5th March is Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent.

It is a period of prayer, fasting and alms giving.

Blessed Ashes will be available for collection from the Altar Rails on the day.

Young Adult Schedule March-April

The Catholic Young Adult Group for Rathmiens & Rathgar meets every second week for a faith formation input & social evening.  Check out the Group’s Schedule for March-April 2025. New members (18-40) always welcome.




SUNDAY MARCH 23rd 9.30 – 11.30- Church Car Park

Help us to gather much-needed essential items for pregnant mothers and families with new babies around the country – just pick up a few extra items in…

Parish Updates & Lay Community House

Dear Parishioners,


I would like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who supported the parishes in the celebration of Christmas. We had wonderful liturgies and it was a joy to see so many people attending Church over the Christmas season. There was a brilliant atmosphere. Thank you…

Family Masses 2025

Click on the poster below to see our Family Mass schedule for 2025!

Our family Masses include a ‘Children’s liturgy’ in the parish centre led by our parish team. All are most welcome.

Catechesis Corner

Check out below a five part series written by our parish catechist Eoin McCormack. The series explores how we can prepare for the challenging topics of faith that come up in conversation with our friends and colleagues.


  1. Talking about faith in a sometimes hostile modern Ireland: Talking about faith in a sometimes…